May 3, 2019
Like a muscle, your ability to connect with your study subjects on a core human level will grow – but only with regular practice.
I fight back tears with everything I have as I sit at a kitchen table with a young woman in the Midwest. We recruited her for a cancer patient–caretaker study, but by the time I arrived to do my ethnography in her home, her 42-year-old husband had died of lung cancer only a week earlier. She was left alone with two small children. All the research experience in the world did not prepare me for this moment, as I sat with a respondent who could’ve easily been my peer. Even today, whenever I recall feeling her pain that day, her kitchen table stands as a chasm between her experience and my own.
As a professional ethnographer, I have to remind myself that this heart-breaking experience, like several others during my career, was in some way a good thing. It will always help me to realize that I’m not a stoic researcher who crunches numbers into statistics and bell curves. We call our specialty “qualitative research,” because it looks at human qualities. And we must understand that doing so requires something no number can express: empathy.
Empathy affects people at a core level. It goes beyond ascertaining someone else’s situation; it requires us to open our hearts to really experience a person’s feelings. You don’t need to be Mr. Rogers to be empathetic. Some of the most driven, goal-oriented businesspeople realize that empathy can be the difference between going through exponential growth and going belly up.
Case in point: Ever heard of a guy name Steve Jobs? He co-founded this neat little enterprise called Apple. Rumor has it the company has done pretty well.
In the now-famous internal memo titled Apple Market Philosophy, which was sent to all staffers in the early ’80s, empathy was repeatedly stressed as the fundamental principle behind the computer maker brand’s DNA. Jobs (and you can bet this memo came from his very own Apple) stated that the firm would truly understand their customers’ “needs better than any other company.” Part of Jobs’ brilliance was his ability to know what consumers wanted before they did. This Nostradamus-like ability was rooted in part by his empathy.
“Empathy” has become a popular buzzword used in dozens of industries, including, you guessed it, market research. That’s you and me.
But what exactly is empathy? Is it a skill set? Is it a worldview? Can empathy be developed, or is it an innate quality woven into a person’s double helix? How can empathy be developed, assuming it even can?
I believe that, like a muscle, empathy can indeed be developed. In his wonderful nonfiction work, “On Writing,” Stephen King notes that the best writers work on their craft the way power lifters and bodybuilders hit the gym: Every. Single. Day. In the same fashion, empathy can be developed by, well, practicing empathy. In other words, to use the cliché, “Fake it til you make it.”
Here’s how: The James-Lange theory, a psychological hypothesis first noted in the 19th century, states that physiological arousal precedes emotion. The act of running from a bear, for example, actually contributes to the fear.
Let’s apply this action-before-feeling idea to empathy. By acting in an empathetic fashion – even if you initially don’t actually experience someone else’s feelings – your ability to be empathetic can develop. In addition, this “muscle” is best exercised whenever we relate to people whose experiences are completely different from our own. By forcing ourselves to confront the alternate realities that others face, we’re moved from our comfort zone as we experience empathy in its purest form.
Empathy is a cornerstone of qualitative research. Conducting research with people on a human-to-human level is essential to understanding them. By approaching them from an emotional perspective, we more readily learn about their needs, desires and motivations. As a result, we can far more accurately predict their future behavior.
Practicing and developing empathy can affect your bottom line: When you incorporate a greater degree of empathy into your work, your qualitative research proves to be more helpful for your clients. Word gets out, and you wind up with more happy clients.
So maybe it’s time to take your empathy to the gym and give it a healthy workout. Here’s how:
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