January 5, 2022
Imagine you’ve got the greatest new offering in the market. You and your team have spent months developing and refining the products and the strategy that will position it well ahead of its time. You’ve even had meetings discussing what you should do when the inevitable rapid growth begins. How will we scale up? Can we expand to include an even broader audience? We’re certainly going to need new facilities, and shouldn’t someone be looking into the cost savings we can take advantage of once we are the industry leader? It’s a glorious time.
Now imagine it all goes away because of one word. One image that shatters a golden opportunity. One ill-chosen phrase is all it takes in the age of consideration and inclusivity. One thought that doesn’t account for a specific group or applauds an exclusionary perspective. And chances are, you and your internal team may not even know what the word is.
The tide changes fast and you don’t want to be swept up in it. The social media engine has a massive influence and unlike big ships it can be turned in an instant. We constantly witness the backlash of old-world rhetoric and famous people groping for apologies, all in an effort to save their careers and brands. Incredible talent, innovative offerings, and beneficial services can all be found lying on the scrapheap of a tactless approach. Most times the intent of the ad wasn’t malicious or spiteful. It was simply unvalidated in the one way that can help you catch a misstep before it occurs. Research.
Perhaps the greatest tool in the research arsenal is representation. Why, you ask? Because we know how crucial it is to consider everyone in the market, before we release to the public. Researchers know how easily people can become offended. We knew it long before the internet took hold. We knew it when news and information spread slowly. Yet we knew it would spread, given enough time. It’s one of the primary reasons our industry exists. Research is the filter that protects your business voice.
Unless your team is comprised of many cultures, races, orientations, as well as varied regional and income backgrounds you can’t achieve the same results as a professional research team. Couple that with the fact that you’d need to know how to ask, listen, and be willing to bend according to their opinions. A rare convergence of circumstances to be sure.
If you truly believe that your offering is going to shape the world then anything less than a professional and thorough vetting of your plan is negligence. Let us show your concepts. We’ll tell you if there’s any danger there. Let a select group sample your phrasing. We can help you skirt the mine field of assumptive and prejudicial words. Allow our respondents to taste test your slogans to ensure that you won’t be putting your foot in your mouth just when you ready to take a big bite out of the market. If you don’t, we might be seeing you out there…or we won’t.